
"Be assiduous in prayer at the hours and times appointed."  ~ Rule of St. Augustine 

Our community begins its day in Grand Silence, which does not end until after the chanting of Prime (our morning prayer) to ensure a spirit of recollection.

The community assists at the traditional Latin Mass either at the parish or in our House chapel and also chants Vespers and Compline daily according to the ancient Roman rite.  Brothers, who are not bound to recite the full Divine Office, recite the remainder of the day's prayers from the Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Other traditional prayers are interspersed throughout the day. The old Roman meal blessing is chanted in full at common meals. The Angelus is prayed in Latin, chanted on feasts of Our Lady. Chanted Vespers of the Dead is often added to Vespers of the day.  The Seven Penitential Psalms and Litanies as well as the Gradual Psalms are often chanted for particular intentions.  Brothers are also expected to pray at least five decades of the Holy Rosary each day and to devote themselves daily to mental prayer.  On certain high solemnities and octaves, the entire Roman Office is prayed together in full chant.  These times include Christmas, Easter, All Souls’ Day and Pentecost Octave.


Cropped St Joseph Church Ef Midnight Mass 1


Triple Candle Easter Vigil